
Principal Investigator

Assistant Professor, Ecosystem Modeling


Office: 4325


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PhD Student, Md. Mozahidul Islam. Md. Mozahidul Islam is pursuing a Ph.D. in Earth Systems Science after completing his second MS in Natural Resources from CFWE of Auburn University. His educational background includes an MS in Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation and a BSc in Disaster Management (Hons) from Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh. Mr. Islam has a multifaceted career in academia, voluntary work, policy making, and international collaboration, focusing on ensuring earth sustainability against natural disasters, disturbances, and ecological degradation using geospatial techniques. His research was funded by the National Science and Technology Ministry (Bangladesh) and UK-FCDO through the British High Commission of Bangladesh-India. Published in reputable journals such as Elsevier and Springer, his work has garnered media coverage at COP-26 and the Indo-Pacific forum. Currently, his research centers on wetland ecology, employing geospatial, machine learning, and deep learning approaches.  Email: